Community Development

Santee-Lynches implements a wide variety of initiatives designed to further the organization's mission, which is to "improve the quality of life for the citizens of the four county region". We work for, with, and through local governments to plan for the future, improve services, eliminate barriers to participation, and develop strong communities.
Community Needs Survey:
Planning & Zoning Officials Training:
Santee-Lynches is your source for Planning & Zoning Training. A 2003 amendment to the SC Local Government Planning Enabling Act established mandatory training requirements for all appointees and staff involved with local planning and zoning. These individuals must complete an initial 6 hour orientation course and at least 3 hours of continuing education each year thereafter to comply with state law.
Examples of Community Development Projects and Initiatives:
Strategic and Vision Planning;
County and Municipal Comprehensive Planning;
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Project Application and Administration; and
Neighborhood Initiative Program (NIP) blight removal project
99 dilapidated residential lots purchased and cleared in the City of Sumter
35 dilapidated residential lots purchased and cleared in the City of Camden/Kershaw County