Feeling Stretched as a Caregiver?

Santee-Lynches Area Agency on Aging provides an educational series designed to help caregivers care for themselves.
Janae Stowe (803-774-1376)
December 11, 2020
SUMTER, SC – Do you care for a parent or loved one? Do you care for a parent or loved one while maintaining a job outside of the home? Are you feeling burned out? Do you feel like you are at the end of your rope? If so, we may be able to help you. This program is designed to help family caregivers reduce their stress, improve self-confidence, communicate their feelings better, balance their lives, increase their ability to make tough decisions, and locate helpful resources.
Classes are held over a six-week period once a week by our certified staff members (several are experienced caregivers themselves). The interactive lessons, discussions, and brainstorming will help you identify the “tools” that work best for you and help you put them into action in your life while creating a support network.
Participants receive the book, “The Caregiver Help Book”, which was developed specifically for the class. There is a fee of $15 to help defray the cost of the book. Classes will be held virtually via Zoom and you will have the opportunity to join one of the two sessions being held. The first session will run from January 26, 2021, through March 2, 2021, and the second session will run from April 12, 2021, through May 17, 2021.
For more information or to register, contact [April Green, (803) 774-1978, agreen@slcog.org]. Class size is limited, internet access (webcam and microphone) and pre-registration are required.
Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments is a premier organization committed to equipping our communities to achieve their full potential. Our mission is to collaborate purposely to enhance the quality of life and provide opportunities to advance our region. Santee-Lynches serves the counties and cities of Clarendon, Kershaw, Lee, and Sumter. To learn more, visit santeelynchescog.org.
Santee-Lynches COG is a member of the South Carolina Councils of Government (SC COGs). The SC COGs are a network of the 10 regional councils of governments working to positively affect the quality of life and economic development in South Carolina. SC COGs serve as an extension of local and county governments to provide technical assistance, secure state and federal dollars to address critical issues, and advocate at a state and national level for economic and quality of life improvements for South Carolina. To learn more, visit sccogs.org or visit santeelynchescog.org.