SC Best Brownfields Program

February 16, 2023
Brownfields are properties that are no longer in operation, with known, or suspected, environmental contamination on the site. An old, abandoned gas station; an empty factory or mill that is no longer functioning; a vacant school building – these are common examples of brownfields found in our communities.
Often these properties have fallen into disrepair, becoming a nuisance to the surrounding community with a negative effect on property values. Brownfields sites may contain harmful substances like asbestos, lead paint, or toxic chemicals, and so they can sometimes pose a threat to public health and safety.
Cleaning up these types of properties and returning them to productive use can be a great benefit for the community. But doing so is often challenging, because of the liability associated with a contaminated site.
The Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments has received funding from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control to assess problem properties in our region to determine environmental liability and brownfields status. These assessments are an important first step on the way to cleaning up, redeveloping, or disposing of these types of properties. Importantly, these assessments can be conducted on both publicly owned and privately-owned properties.
The COG is actively seeking candidate properties for site assessments. If you are aware of a problem property in your community that you think could quality as a brownfield, please contact us.
Jeff Parkey, Regional Planning Director
Santee-Lynches Regional Council of Governments